AI Predictions 2025: what's yours?


I was in a Space today on ๐• where me and other tech nerds were giving our predictions for AI in 2025.

Not how most people spend their lunch break, but I had fun.

So it gave me an idea: what do you think will happen? I'd love to know.


But first, let me tell you a few of my ideas:


People will rely more on AI to help them eat right and lose weight. Apps that use AI are already able to auto-calculate your caloric needs customize your workout routines based on prompts.
I don't have much faith in apps that guess calories based on a picture of your food, though. Whoever thought of that idea should be in internet jail lol.


Lots of new AI startups will make a ton of money, not many will make it to 2026. Probably a boom in niche market SaaS and 1-purpose apps. Generalized AI chat has already been commoditized.

AI in QA! ๐Ÿงช In particular, AI Agents will try to enter the test automation market. I met with a SaaS founder yesterday who's still prototyping his product, but the demo showed that an agent was able to, with a short prompt:

  1. Launch the Instacart app (the app icon wasn't on the home screen, it had to find it)
  2. Log in with a specified email
  3. Search for apples

Problems I told him he'll need to address:

  • Teaching the AI how to stop when it finds a bug instead of trying to finish the task it was given
    • Teaching the AI what bugs look like (oof, right? How do you even do that?)
  • Giving the user ample opportunities to provide targeted context so the AI can think about specific considerations at specific moments (e.g., "when searching for apples, make sure to stop if you don't see a green apple as the first search result")

Also, job security. I firmly believe QA demand will rise after all this AI-generated code from 2024 creates a higher defect escape rate.


Social skills are going to decline because of AI dependence.
People will be using AI instead of people for a lot of day-to-day transactional needs, and we'll probably see a boom in "social dynamics coaching" or "professional networking" markets because if you haven't noticed, people get worse at talking to each other every year.
My wife already sees this happening at the elementary school level and it's honestly frightening. Most kids can't hold a conversation. Some are still learning this at home, though, so there will probably be a worsening divide in terms of high-EQ and low-EQ people.

On the flip side, I bet AI is going to help job hunters finally get noticed without stuffing keywords in their resumes. Having AI analyze resumes instead of ATS filters would be amazing for us, because AI can read "between the lines". ATS filters are extremely dumb and unnecessarily strict.


Your Turn!

Reply to this email with 1 thing you think will happen because of AI in 2025.



Steven Boutcher

Helping software testers increase their authority and influence.

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